CATT 1st Response
"Behind the Wire"
Tactical Training Courses
CATT 1st Response tactical training courses are a platform for tactical training for civilians “Behind the Wire”. It's like giant home defense and self defense training camp survival schools. Based on a strategic partnership agreements with the National Center for Complex Operations (NCCO), CATT is approved to offer a comprehensive platform of resiliency training and educational opportunities, conducted at restricted access, world class, fully modernized military training facilities, Our Motto is “Protect the House”! Our Philosophy is “Complacency Kills, Don’t Die Stupid”!
Boots on the Ground
At CATT tactical training courses we believe the 1st Responder boots on the ground is YOU! Proper Resiliency training and Situational Awareness have everything to do with avoiding a situation, prevent it from happening and/or reducing the severity of it when it does. Our survival schools train you on being aware of how to interact with the 2nd Responders when they arrive (such as Law Enforcement, Firemen, Paramedics, etc.) as they cannot be at every situation when it happens. It is up to YOU to decide if you want to be prepared to be boots on the ground in the event of a bad situation. You cannot buy Insurance for everything...ARE YOU PREPARED?
Military Style Training for Civilians
We believe our home defense and self defense training camp strength lies in our staff instructor personnel. Our survival schools cadre, senior cadre, instructors, subject matter experts and pro-staff are some of the most trained, talented and experienced professionals in the world. They provide the highest quality military style training for civilians available. Each have different, yet relevant, skill sets. Our survival schools Cadre have served tours in combat, many of them multiple times. Some have been injured in battle. All are competent, quiet professionals well versed in tactical training for civilians. CATT’s Law Enforcement and 1st Responder cadre have multiple years of experience in their field and include sworn Law Enforcement officers, SWAT, EMT and other medical professionals and licensed health care providers.
Many of CATT’s 1st Response training programs will be accredited. Participants can receive elective college credits to apply toward a degree program. In addition to military style training for civilians, CATT has a resource network of experts to advise, assist and mentor its participants through the process of choosing a program of higher education. These resource experts provide guidance throughout enrollment, class selection and the tutoring process.