Indiana, home of the National Center for Complex Operations (NCCO), is a strategically located, critical asset in our Nation’s defense and ongoing security. In fact, few other places can claim the full range of defense assets and capabilities present here — from uniformed military and thousands of civilians and defense contractors, to assets that support the missions of each Armed Service, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, and many other Federal Departments and Agencies. The number of organizations using our restricted airspace, world class urban training center, numerous ranges and other defense/security assets brings a variety of local, state, federal and international government customers.Indiana is playing a major role in strengthening U.S. national security, and the National Center for Complex Operations (NCCO) is a central component of this initiative. The NCCO acts as a “one-stop-shop” to connect state, federal, and private interests with services, programs, and training and testing capabilities that will serve defense industry partners and a variety of government and non-government agencies. Thanks to our strategic partnership agreements with the state of Indiana and the NCCO, CATT offers world class, state of the art Military training facility Copyright © 2014